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Thursday, 19 January 2017

January "Big Battle" in Seventeenth Century ... somewhere in the 'Low Countries' (Part 1)

The 2016 great Xmas game from my Redcar wargaming friends was delayed to an alternative mid-January start because of conflicting diaries and social engagements, but if truth be told I think it was an all the better game for it. It was one of those spectacular double digit player games that leaves you chilled and happy. Glorious scenery, figures and a very chilled gaming experience. All I know was that I was in command of part of an Allied army somewhere in modern day Holland (the correct historical term was hotly disputed all day by the two opposing sides) facing a large body of angry French troops who thought we had no business being there (see below, a large body of annoyed French Infantry .. there was also rather a lot of annoyed French cavalry lurking just in top-left camera shot too):

The good guys (aka the Allied army) promptly hid behind defensive earthworks and buildings. In fact take a look at those scratch built 25mm scale buildings they are absolutely fantastic (see below):

In fact the Allied army lay behind good defensive positions and it was not going to come out and play with the naughty French boys despite all that taunting (see below, again note those beautiful scratch built buildings):

The full extent of the French Army, superior in foot and horse at about a 3:2 ratio, running ten foot along the table edge (see below):

My particular command was of two brigades of infantry and a field piece behind sturdy defensive fortifications facing off against "thirteen cavalry" (yes I said "thirteen") regiments. However despite their daunting numbers the cavalry had no real prospect of "charging the defences" while manned by my stout infantry. The cavalry were there in fact to "pin" the infantry in place while the French infantry threatened another vital sector. If the Allied infantry moved the way would be clear, if they stayed the door was firmly closed on the French. In the meantime my artillery had some fine target practise (see below):

My last "Ace" was three regiments of my own cavalry, fine looking fellows. The sheer mass of the French cavalry can be seen at the top of the photograph (see below):

These three cavalry regiments were my "shock" troops that could (should or is that would) react to unforeseen events to my left or right. The whole battlefield was certainly one spectacular sight! I also look a fine sight in my resplendent finery a top of my white steed in the middle of my front two cavalry units (Note: The generals did not seem to be true generals unless they wore large foppish wigs, maybe it kept them warm!).

Next: Let battle commence!

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