Hobby Pages

Sunday, 1 March 2020

28mm: 1940 Germans Continued

I seem to be going through a phase of assembling 28mm plastic WWII soldier and painting 10mm WWII soldiers. My thinking may not be quite as joined up as I want it to be. Slowly they are getting assembled, my second platoon for Chain of Command - although I do feel the insane urge to get Bolt Action too (see below, the results of making one pack [which is not quite enough] of Warlord Games Blitzkrieg Germans):

They make three full squads, the HQ [officer ad sergeant] (minus the attached 5cm mortar and crew) plus the MG34/42 with some riflemen for the fourth squad (see below, my fingers are raw with all the snipping done):

I realised I had forgotten to add the German Officer and Senior Sergeant on the previous photograph (see below, Hans and Ruben admire their command):

A brief pause ensued, then as the Warlord Games German Pioneer set was purchased it enabled me to complete the fourth squad for the basic platoon and add 'the spare figures' to the possible support list by making them up in various engineer combinations (see below, the German 5cm Mortar is created from two prone figures and the 5cm mortar parts from the Perry's DAK box - the arms are a little smaller but it is a passable conversion):

The remaining troops are made up in a plethora of engineering combination and specialist weapons (see below, including an anti-tank rifle, a sniper, the 5cm mortar team, a wire-cutter, a mine clearer, a remote control Goliath operative, a demolition expert, a flamethrower, an officer with a SMG, three NCOs with SMG, a anti-tank rifle grenade and five riflemen in engineer garb - note the yellow figures [an AT rifle team are from the Perry's DAK box and although made them up I will not be using them with the Warlord Games figures as the scales don't quite match, they shall be heading for North Africa after all]):

Now it is time to put them to one side for priming and painting, but first I think I will assemble the remaining boxes I have of 28mm kit. As mentioned at the start of the post I have seemingly the urge to paint 10mm and assemble 28mm. Well if it works, don't knock it - but I need to be a ruthless finisher of projects, nit WIP collector!


  1. Welcome to the Blitzkrieg 1940 rabbit hole! Had few games of Chain of Command with the expansion and I really like the extra mechanisms. I’ve been building up more forces for Poland, France and Norway. Have fun!

  2. Thanks
    My snipping fingers are getting quite sore

  3. Al I chose Germans as the easier option
    They cab fight against my Russians
    Renko has gone Dutch and others have gone BEF and French

    WWII everything in all scales I believe you said ;)
    I seem to be living up to that dream!

    For completeness I was going to take a look at Bolt Action to compare and contrast with Chain of Command
