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Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Musings from the sublime to the ridiculous and then .. Vallejo Paint Pots

We live in truly extraordinary times and without meaning to sound trite (considering the immense loss of life already endured in the world and so much more to come), I hope for one that "something" good can come from the Corona Virus Pandemic. I may be proved wrong, I have seen the best and worst (including silliest) of actions from people but I hope we can all come to a better sense of understanding with our relationship with nature and what we truly value in life. The ease at which something so small as a virus can effect the very fabric of everything we took simply "for granted" as a "given" in our daily lives is humbling in a very, very frightening way. The fragility of the system (hit by The Black Swan event ... OK, I agree scientists said that a Pandemic "would occur" but the caveat was always "probably not in my lifetime") maybe is only be apparent afterwards, despite what the prophets and naysayers say, but the living through it is my "lifetime defining experience" .. it is true to say I am discovering so many home truths about myself (and my family) on a daily basis, none more so disturbing than the fact that I "forget what Vallejo paints I have bought". With extra time on my hands I "spring cleaned" the family grocery cupboard to find we had so many multiple packs of things we had on the go. From pasta, rice, sugar, flour and spices, all with multiples of half to a quarter packs full, were abound. I gave a lecture befitting of Caesar on the perils of waste in the current climate to my children and wife, then settled back to my hobby area to find (again with more time than I knew what to do with on my hands - "How about the cleaning and the washing up?" said the wife) I had acquired a lot of clutter and unearthed some tubs of Vallejo paints. To my ashamed horror it appears that the genetic trait of "having several things open of the same thing at the same time" was probably from my side of the DNA, or nature versus nurture debate (see below, a green tub, a brown tub, a sand tub and a grey tub - and these were only the Model Colour range - containing multiples):

Argh, "hoist with my own petard" as Shakespeare put it in Hamlet ;)


  1. Illusions of control....the universe is chaotic at a human scale

  2. It's a strange time all round, to be sure. I'm glad you're hunkering down to weather it all out. It's pretty much the same here in Toledo, OH. I work from home, and I'm also a solo gamer, and had the sneaking thought it'd be business as usual for me - or even more so. Instead it's been a bit bonkers, quite frankly. Ho hum, I'll get a game or five in, I'm sure. Stay well!

  3. Cheers gents :)

    Thanks for your kind words AJ
    John this illusion seems to have been cast by a 20th Level mischievous magician

  4. We have been locked up in our home for 10 days now, things are very quite, it is like Sunday everyday. I find I am calling people and chatting like I used to before Facebook and even have written a letter.

    Also have had time for some time too sit back and look at what has been achieved and accomplished over the last two years since moving to France for semi retirement. Making lists for the next 5 and ten year plans.

    Been in the garden planting bulbs and doing some weeding, trimming the fruit trees, plus planning new beds and checking the seedlings in the orangery.

    On the modelling front doing research on armorials and painting some dark age figures, have made a list of what I need to do next, rather than watch a movie etc.

    We shall see, friends in China have been in lockdown now for 7 weeks, I think it will be similar here. All the best

    French Wargame Holidays

  5. Cheers Blue Willow (aka Matt)
    Thank gawd for electronic communication

    Makes you think what strange news came down the wire with Spanish Flu
    Most surreal in the UK
    I am more rural than city
    No planes in the sky
    I just hope the food distribution chain keeps going OK
