Hobby Pages

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Quick Side Project Continued: Modern[ish] US

Modern being a relative term (see below, my old Esci 1990 buddies - these boys are the HQ and Support MG Teams in the HQ Stryker, and a Sniper Team attached doing the rounds in a Humvee): 

Coming into the spotlight. I have started experimenting with dry brushing the terrain (see below, and this is also when I discovered my "solid Citadel Paint Pot" - just when I needed a slight, finishing-off white highlight - hmm): 

Up close and looking good (see below, there is quite a lot of detail that is being picked up here so I am quite pleased): 

Especially considering that I had previously (and quite heavily) laid a a layer of watered down PVA over the whole of the figure (see below, the follow on from the PVA "hardening layer" [by virtue of the fact the PVA shrinks and contracts when it dries] was a primer spray undercoat, when dry was given Vallejo Brown Dip Wash treatment, and this worked well):  

Some of the figures had detail obscured by the PVA (it's a learning process) but all have a certain character too them. Two vehicles almost done, but another three to go! 


  1. The PVA is something I've heard about loads of times but have yet to try. What ratio of PVA:water seems to work best?

  2. You have made ESCI modern troops look excellent sir! Quite an achievement.

  3. Bankinista:

    My "secret sauce formula" is related to size and hardness of the original plastic. The big 1/32 figures can almost take it undiluted with just a bit of dipped water to ease the flow. The softer the figure the higher the concentration of PVA or the chance of more coats than one being needed. For 1/72 Esci which were fairly soft - its a case of squeeze out a blob of PVA and drop the brush into water for 50:50 mix but working in from the edges of the blob of PVA. Seal the whole figure as it dries it shrinks and tightens the figure with surface tension. The brush is obviously "not a loved" one. Hope that helps. I debate with myself about the harder Revell plastics and highly details Caesar miniature needing it. Once applied you generally don't regret it. Even the worst "PVA globbed" figure has a certain subjective worth in wargaming terms ;) IMHO

  4. Cheers Duc,

    I think it was just an accidental by-product of just "doing it" and seeing how it came out without worrying too much ;)

  5. Also the "helmet head band" looks cool!
