Hobby Pages

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Amazing You Tube Video: US Naval War College

What a find! Courtesy of using the same search technique as my youngest son came up trumps with this series of videos (old horse, new trick): 


The greatest respect to this institution (the US Naval War College) and the philosophy of playing wargame, front and center and not just skipping "a wargame or two" in "on the side" as specials for courses. It is remarkable that cadre of USN Officers that fought WWII, particularly the higher command, graduated from this institution with "chalk on their faces" from wargaming (see the video). Another "commercial/recreational" side was the popularity of Fletcher Pratt's wargame and the fact that it was in a way in advance of the NWC rules as it went further into the detail of ships as opposed to generic classes of ships.

I am hooked on this series of videos :)