Hobby Pages

Thursday, 20 January 2011

A shot or two from my painting table

Was Maurice "the spy" (work-in-progress) to blame for my inability to post recently?

Soon to be dropped into occupied France from the back of a Lysander (Motto: "Trust No One! And Live Longer").

His chariot (the indomitable Lysander) is in the process of being under-coated.

Detail on the crew be seen through the plexi-glass.

The spy context is actually misleading as I intend to paint the Lysander in the BEF France 1940 Army Cooperation variant.


  1. Nice work all round. Good to see some problems sorted out.

  2. Nice Post! The plane looks good so far and the Spy, I like him! Is it from Pegasus? Germans in Berlin perhabs?

  3. Glad to be back, even if currently limited to IE7

    The spy comes from the Airfix kit and I was very impressed with its flash free lines and animated pose (way a head of its time)

  4. Good stuff Geordie, original theme
