Hobby Pages

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

The Horror, The Horror ... Stop Press "Law of Gravity stiill holds true

I never thought I was very good at the practical side of physics. It turns out that my coordination coming down a ladder is also getting a bit dodgy as I am getting older. I was coming down from the loft with a "box of toys", then gravity took control (see below).

What you see below is not a 'fix-it bargain' on the 'bring and buy' stall but the after effects of said 'Law of Gravity' on my US WWII 1/72 armour collection (of about twenty years of slow, slow accumulation).

Yes it's the "Spot the model and rate its damage competition!" I nearly cried my tiny little eyes out! 

Lots and lots of stuff broken ... but 'mostly cosmetic' (broken barrels) and it was easily sorted. Not so for two M24 Chaffee's and an M36 Jackson. They ended up literally as 'bits all over the place'.

The Dr's Surgery opened went into the small hours of a Friday night


There was a happy(ish) ending (see below):

Several 'Jack Daniels and coke' sustained me through this troubling time ;)


  1. What a terrible thing to happen!

    At least you seem to have fixed the worst of the damage ... and I am sure that the fortifying refreshment helped.

    All the best,


  2. lol

    It certainly took the edge off a stressful moment ;)

  3. Argh. I feel your pain.
    Reminds me of the time I dropped a figure into fresh paint... twice....

  4. I feel your pain - I think we've all been there at least once!

  5. It could be worse. I once stepped on my box of Tiger II's and Panthers. 90% casualties.

    I still shake a bit, just talking about it...gnnnn

  6. lol

    It's nice to know it's been a "shared experience" ;)

  7. :(:(:( cut children's sweetie rations and buy more kit!

  8. Given the outcome Geordie I think things turned out well.

    Bourbon and modelling does go hand in hand until you see the next day that you have glued the running gear back to front.

  9. One of my recurring nightmares! Glad to hear the damage was repairable!

  10. Thanks Al, Al and Paul ;)

    At least "little hands" were free from blame as it was all down to a dodgy sense of balance and me rushing down from the loft with 'two boxes' (one of which became "very wounded")

    As my old Maths teacher kept saying, 'more haste but less speed'


  11. ... or should that have been "less haste more speed"?

    I was no mathematics prodigy either, but I liked history ;)
