Friday, 30 November 2012

Platea 479BC Refight (Take II) Part I

The Battle field of Platea (see below), both sides armies start atop a favourable terrain piece (ridges gaining +1 defensive bonus), the only difference between the antagonists being the relatively exposed Greek Camp position (top middle,see below) compared to the Persian (bottom left, see below). Sparta is top left facing the Persians bottom left. The Athenians are top right facing their erstwhile foes Thebes bottom right. All armies are standard DBA V2 armies.

 "Free" Greeks
  • Sparta: 1x4Sp(Gen) [Pausinias] + 10x4Sp + 1x7Hd
  • Athens: 1x4Sp(Gen) + 9x4Sp + 1x4Bw (Marine Archers) + 1x2Ps
  • Persians: 1x3Cv(Gen) [Mardonius] + 1x3Cv + 1x2LH + 4x8Bw (Sparabara and Immortals) + 1x3Bw + 1x4Sp + 1x3Aux + 1x7Hd + 1x2Ps
  • Thebes: 1x4Sp(Gen) + 9x4Sp 1x3Cv (Beotian Horse) +1x2Ps
BBDBA appoints Sparta and Persia as the respective C-in-C's for the Greeks and Persians. "Once per game" the C-in-C Stand can claim a +1 modifier (offensive or defensive). The Athenians and Thebans also have a nominal Commanders stand without the modifier, but is used to determine effective Command Range for PiP point allocation. Note if any DBA army loses their commander they become demoralised (fighting at -2) which really meant it was deemed too risky to put a commander in the front rank by consensus of all the players (which was rather unhistorical but I deemed it too late in the day to introduce a 'house rule'). Four stands lost also would trigger DBA army demoralisation.  

'Thebes' (left) stares across open ground at their 'Athenian' enemies of old (positioned on the right, see below):

The 'Persians' (left) likewise eye up the Spartans (right):

The Persian (Mardonius) decides to probe the Spartan defenses in the middle of the battlefield, sensing an opportunity to turn the Spartan left or raid the Greek Camp,he sends three stands, his Cavalry, Light Horse and Psilio forward (see below):

Meanwhile over on the Persian right Thebes decides to take the initiative against the Athenians (who seen to be firmly ensconced atop of their hill). The Theban Hoplites (all from strong agricultural farming stock) move forward in unison while the Cavalry (aka the Beotian Horse) and their Psilio detach themselves from the main body hoping to position themselves to tactically 'turn a flank' or perform a 'close the DBA door' later on in the battle (see below):

Sparta counters the Persian initiative in the center by extending their line to the left (coming off the hill and creating a break in their battle line, see below). The trouble is, side way movements with hoplites is expensive, you cannot roll 12 on a single d6 so something will have to give for Sparta. The Persians are also faster 5" (Light Horse), 4" (Cavalry) and 3" (Psilio) compared to the Spartan 2" (Spears) in movement. Something must give here in the long run, either Sparta will take the offensive (and surge) or the "Persian Horse" will run amok in the Spartan rear (ahem, moving quickly on from an obvious historical anecdote).  

Things are shaping up quite nicely.

1 comment:

Pablo J. Álvarez said...

Interesting and funny, I envy you