Sunday, 22 March 2015

Eldar Magnificent Seven

Chunkier than their newer Games Workshop cousins, nevertheless the original Eldar Expansion Pack provides a nice fourth player for Space Crusade Game. Decked out in their Eldar Blue/Yellow colour scheme the seven surviving figures form a protective perimeter (see below):

I have to say I am enjoying this somewhat unplanned foray into a bit of Science Fiction with its rather retro feel to it!


Monty said...

Looking good, Geordie; I keep resisting the urge to start painting a load of Orks I was donated some time ago...

Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

Cheers Monty

Orcs in Space no (plenty of other more interesting Aliens to play with), Orcs in fantasy as great big YES ;)

The Sci-Fi painting has been more of an exercise in "freedom of expression" that "get it right"
That in itself has been very relaxing and rewarding

Also, I was blown away over the amount of painting viedeo resources there are on the net :)