Thursday 27 June 2024

AI Researcher Fei-Fei Li - The Worlds I See: Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery at the Dawn of AI

 A very interesting read, from the personal perspective of an immigrant Chinese family coming to America and also from the various AI related goals described, showing the backdrop of the US (salt mines of the) academic research environment (see below, what sold it for me is when she urged her researchers to "read the old stuff" again, not just the latest hot off the press stuff [other people's wins] - as good ideas often come well ahead of their time, with respect to be practical in the "at the time" technology available): 

I listened to this on Amazon's Audible after the recommendation from Geoffrey Hinton's on Twitter (or X if you prefer). 

I also like the way she described the benefit of having a North Star (your own personal one), something that is never attained but is always guiding you in the correct (or at least an interesting) direction (and yes you can switch it, but the obsessive ones who win Noble Prizes don't seem to).

Her Wikipedia page is:

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