Tuesday 8 March 2022

A Tale of Peasant Farming: Agrigola

One of the things I got from the Connections UK Wargame Conferences is a hit list of Bucket List games to get. In 2016 Nick Drage's presentation from Aleph Insight mentioned Agrigola as one such game. Therefore I am glad to announce I bagged this from a recent visit to Blackwell's Bookshop Game section in Edinburgh (see below, Agrigola - analysis of my peasant farming skill awaits): 

So far I have got as far as the unboxing, but it just goes to show you don't have to have "tanks" in a game for it to be "good" ;)


Trebian said...

Great game. Alas you have the slimmed down Revised Edition, but I expect it's still an excellent game. Rules aren't the best written ever, but there are some good player aids on BGG.

Renko said...

I'd be up for that

Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

Cheers Trebian and Renko
Who knows, the way the world is looking, it may be good practice for the years ahead!