Wednesday 20 February 2019

Cluedo - The Classic Game with a Big Bang Twist

My youngest loves Cluedo and he loves The Big Bang Theory too so this was a natural match. It makes a change from hunting a murderer (or WMD Terrorist if you go to CoW). Sheldon is upset. A crime has been committed. Was it "the dog-eared comic", "the stain on the sofa cushion", "the wiped equation board", "a broken Shelbot", "the toothbrush" or "wiped hard=dribe of the laptop"? (see below, the classic board game with a new twist):

As ever, I still remain to win a game of Cluedo, the wife beating me this time (despite her efforts at re-writing the rules) but happy to play again, anytime and anywhere! A five star family classic!


Ray Rousell said...

Excellent. I didn't know they made a version like this.

Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

The scenario seems much more believable that a murder
Good fun and stretches the brain
Aged 8+