Sunday 1 January 2023

Rogue Heroes Inspired Journey Continues .. Next Stop a Book!

Following on from my interest in the BBC TV series I was naturally "hooked" by the array of SAS themed books in the supermarket "in the fashionable to be reading" section, aka an area of distraction for bored dads and teenagers. I was spoilt for choice with three SAS North African Dessert themed tomes on display (see below, I chose 'Sped Aggression Surprise' a bargain with a pre-Xmas tenner spent in a flash in Tesco): 

I chose not the overtly BBC (as in, based on the recent series) one, reasoning on grounds on diversity of background research and flick-through appeal (it was not so heavy on pictures and had maps but the also content looked more interesting). Not disappointed to date, as a hundred or so pages in and it has elaborated on the pre-North African history of the SAS and the funny "other things" (Vichy French, Abyssinia, Iraq, Levant) going on around the rest of the Mediterranean at that time. The crazy intelligence chief who fabricated a SAS back-story, based on feeding the Axis disinformation features prominently (this being a certain staff officer Dudley Wrangel Clarke).

WIP: Still reading, the SAS "proper" has not appeared yet, but there is a lot of pre-SAS Commando units being talked about!

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