Monday 7 August 2023

Painting the Australian Matilda Tank Variants - Reference Point

This had been on my "to do" list for a long, long time. In a way it will be the end of my Matilda project (odyssey), which encompasses BEF 1940 (Arras, also including the\ Matilda I), the 1941-42 "Queen of the Desert" Western Desert 8th Army, Red Russia (snow camouflaged) and finally the Digger Australian Hedgehog, Flamethrower and gun tanks (see below, for current Australian reference points):  

Inspirational work (see below, Mini AFV blog): 

I found this You Tube video very informative (see below, nice combat and motion pictures, plus CGI reconstruction):  

The majority of my Matilda fleet come from the Airfix stables, but I have one ESCI/Italeri and one resin (Britannia Miniatures - I think) addition. There are two Matilda I's metal from the old 20mm Skytrex range (where ever they are now). If I was feeling brave enough I might have a go at the Matilda Scorpion mine clearing AVRE tank.

[Footnote: Sad fact of the Internet and "links" - they can and do change. This post has been so long in the pending state that one of the two original links I had - "expired" by teh time I came to post. So I guess, pictures and words last better than links over time.]

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