Thursday 28 February 2019

The New Old Game back on the Block: Impetus (2)

Well, apparently these were five years in the making. I really enjoyed Impetus (1) but I have to confess that I did not follow in earnest (there were five extra supplements each of which tinkered with the rule system in small ways) but this dissonance may come in useful as major revisions have brought it to market as a new product (see below, no army lists but plenty of rules - its generating some excitement in my local clubs already -

Therefore: It's time to bring out my 28mm Italian Wars Army for some TLC and new additions (courtesy of plenty of Perry 28mm plastic), base up my 28mm Imperial Roman Army, crack out the 28mm WOTR potential from the various Perry boxes and re-use my DBA+ collections of 15mm Greeks, Macedonians and Persians.

Reference: Impetus Forum


Jonathan Freitag said...

Looking forward to seeing Impetvs 2.0 on your table.

Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

Me too
I am just finding out that DBA Version 3.0 armies are subtlety different and I need to go paint 'odds and sods' stands of 'this and that' in 15mm