Monday 7 February 2022

Purchase Number 3: Book - Battlegroup! (Jim Storr)

Battlegroup! The Lessons of the Unfought Battles of the Cold War by Jim Storr.

This book seems to have created a little bit of a stir in the wargaming community associated with myself. Lots of people have went out and bought a copy and even read it cover-to-cover. I have gotten through the introduction (see below, a classic Cold War that never went Hot [thank god], but what could we have learned from it - as in the planning for it): 

Of interest his background research seems to be built around extensive (over 200 games over a couple of decades playing with his brother) play-testing of a set of  modern wargames - using in fact the WRG Moderns rules (1:1 scale).  This is a ruleset that I have seen, looked through (WWII and Modern version) but as of yet not played in anger at the table top. Watch this space I am hoping that will change soon! 

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