Saturday 25 February 2023

Yes, but WHY? It is those "Big Bang" Style Physicists again!

I had the pleasure of walking round some University Physics Departments late last year with a fresh-faced prospective undergraduate student (my eldest son) who is going through the crucible of the A-Levels bless him. Most of the stuff the staff were talking about went well over my head so I ended up drinking free coffee, eating free cake, then watching the walls and reading the posters as my son toured "the facilities" (see below, one poster that particularly caught my eye): 

Yes, ok .. but "why" would you want to do that in the first place? Plus what about the frog, his-her-its  participation and agency in this? I have ethical questions! You can also bet that the reported result was not in the original remit of the research .. methinks the beastie literally hopped into what it thought was probably a nice little hole to hide in from predators! Ha .. and it ended up floating away! 

Did it live?

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