Saturday, 31 October 2015

October Project: Day 27 "Basing (III) Shade to Highlighting the Earth"

Painting the base proper!

Note to self: Now you do have to let this bit dry thoroughly out or you court disaster if you press too hard on the brush and to be fair it is hard mot to.

Anita's Acrylics yet again come to my rescue, starting with a plain lick of Earth Brown (11014) covering the base using a wet-brush rather than a dry brush technique. You can judge for yourself if you think the extra 'watery base coat of brown-black" was worth it from the previous stage (see below):

Next mix Earth Brown with Anita Acrylics Coffee (11044) in a 1:2 ratio. Again a rough and ready wet-brush application but less searching out the nooks and crannies than the first brown layer (see below):

Then despite it sounding slightly crazy, add Anita's Acrylic (11055) Lemon Yellow on a 1:1 ratio with the left over mix from the previous stage. This time I adopted a very lazy "let and let live" approach to painting, dabbing here and there as a lot of this will be covered in a layer of flock. Why bother at all then? Well, over time the flock will drop off or go bald, so if/when this happens the base still does not look too bad (see below):

Finally to the remaining residue add Anita Acrylic White (11001) to add that final 'rim' highlight on prominent raised places on the base. Less is definitely more here and subtlety is the watch word, so I pretty much reverted to more of a drier-brush than the previous stages (see below):

Here's one I may slightly of over done (see below):

With that it is the end of the painting! Moving onto the final phase of where I got to the in the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: For the "FLOCK" of it

Friday, 30 October 2015

October Project: Day 26 "Basing (II) Brown and Black Earth"

Once the sand has dried, or in the case of impatient and impetus people like myself, is "almost dry" (say 80% there) slosh together a very wet [think along the lines of a heavily coloured "wash" constituency] dark earth mix (Anita's Acrylic Earth Brown 11014) and apply it to the miniatures base, letting the sand soak all the paint up (see below, the platoon formation):

An individual MG Gunner (see below);

Just to be different, I then mix a dab of black (in this case the remaining Airfix Acrylic Matte Black from a starter set) into the watery mixture, leaving the figures for a few hours (again almost but not quite dry) and re-coat it over (see below):

This gives the base a bit more shadow that I can work up from when I layer the paint on. Again still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Painting the Base, from Shade to Highlight

Thursday, 29 October 2015

October Project: Day 25 "Basing (I) - PVA and Sand"

Time to temporarily put down the paintbrush and pickup a bottle of PVA and "tub of wargaming sand". Watering down the PVA to a semi-fluid rather than treacle consistency, I dabbed it around each figure's base then dunked the feet into the "sand-box" and gave it a gentle "shake and swirl" (see below, the platoon result en masse):

An individual (see below, Rifleman "Shultz"):

Note: The sand has "chunky" bits in it, possibly on the large side as I had previously been working in 25/28mm.

Again still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Paint the Base

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

October Project: Day 24 "Boot Grey Day - Final Highlight"

The project has progressed to its final slot of painting the figures before 'basing' is addressed. This really is a final touch up job. If I were completely honest I was of half of a mind to miss it out, but by comparing the 'master 2009' figures with what I had done so far there was still just a subtle difference - so what the heck, "in for a penny in for a pound". Vallejo Game Color Stonewall Grey was added in small highlight dabs to prominent boot points (see below):

The Whole Range of Figures: 

MG Gunners: 


Again still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Start of the Basing Process

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

October Project: Day 23 "Woodstock"

Next up is the little finishing touch highlights I want to apply to the wooden surfaces, which in the case of the Panzer Grenadiers is 95% rifle and MG weapon stocks and the odd hand grenade (potato masher style) in hand, belt or boot (the latter must have been unconfortable). This is done by a Vallejo Game Color Beasty Brown, with a subtle extra dab to highlight the highlights mixed with Tamiya XF-3 Matte Yellow (because that was all I had to hand at the time). Almost there now (see below, mostly grey with a bit of colour here and there):

Again still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Final dabs of grey on Das Boots!

Monday, 26 October 2015

October Project: Day 22 "Gas Mask and Helmet Highlight" Part (II)

Once I had painted the "new" Panzer Grenadier figures I took a look back at the 2009 completed set and saw that I had to apply a small highlight to bring both sets into alignment (see below):

Again still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Woodstock (aka rifle butts and the like)

Sunday, 25 October 2015

October Project: Day 21 "Gas Mask and Helmet Highlight" Part (I)

The raised surfaces of the "helmet and gas mask containers" need special attention, courtesy of Tamiya (XF-61) Dark Green mixed with Tamiya Yellow (XF-3). In fact I got so obsessed with it I did a dab of yellower highlight on the first highlight (see below):


The MG Gunners and a Rifleman: 

All this obsessing meant that this little highlight layer spanned over two days. Again I think I can say it is still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.


Next: Some more Gas Masks and Helmets

Saturday, 24 October 2015

October Project: Day 20 "Flesh Highlight"

The trick here is trying not to put too much paint on, using the lighter Vallejo Flat Flesh (70955).  The task once started was relatively simple, the only complication being the original masters looked a tad too white by comparison so I covered them with a Citadel Miniatures "Wash" of Ogryn Flesh to tone down the white (see below):

MG Gunner: 

MG Ammo Carrier: 

The Painting Tray with the Panzer Grenadier Platoon:  

Again still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Green Helmets and Gas Masks Highlighting

Friday, 23 October 2015

October Project: Day 19 "Tunic Highlight (III)"

The last bunch of Panzer Grenadiers comes mainly from the original spare 'Masters' of 2009. Again some very classy/classic poses. The 'artillery spotter' senior officer type with the weird "Martian" binoculars being the icing on the cake. Again made with just the right feel for 'Stalingrad' era (see below):

Officer Types and Classic Miscellaneous Poses: 

Again still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Flesh Highlights

PS I hope that does not become a Google keyword for my site as it would route some well dodgy traffic this way, or should I say 'disappointed' dodgy traffic

Thursday, 22 October 2015

October Project: Day 18 "Tunic Highlight (II)"

Second day of tunic highlight dabbing. This time the riflemen and I have to say that even though this set of figures is over twenty years old, I am still impressed with these poses. I think they have that iconic mid-war 1942-43 "summer" Russian theater look about them (see below):

The Riflemen along with their 'Masters': 

Again still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Tunic Highlight of Officer Ranks

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

October Project: Day 17 "Tunic Highlight (I)"

The 'tunic highlight' is will take a few days of "dabbing" on the various different figure types, including the original 'masters' I am using as a guide from 2009. I am lightening them up a shade too with Vallejo Green Grey (see below):

The Machine Gunners: 

Again still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Tunic Highlight of Rifleman

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

October Project: Day 16 "Base Flesh"

I needed a dull pale base for the flesh. The original Games Workshop Tanned Flesh was well dried up in its poy, shame, but no real surprise there. The standard Fantasy (28mm Dark Ages) mix of Vallejo Game Colour Dark Flesh (Shade) to Dwarf Flesh (Base) with Elf Flesh (Highlight) did not seem appropriate. In addition going straight to Vallejo (70955) Pale Flesh seemed too white/pale a base colour. Rummaging around in the paint box I found a long forgotten about Games Workshop/Citadel Foundation Paint of "Tallarn Flesh" (Eh? On the up side it came with a fancy top that meant the paint was still wet inside). It seemed the 'dirty battlefield skin' tone I was after so I decided to give it a shot (see below):

This means that I am just over halfway through the timeline I set and the "Base Colour" phase of the project has been completed. The painting tasks are getting fiddlier but overall slightly less time consuming as most of the figure is painted.

Still roughly going to plan, a bit of variation from the flesh and ahead with a few highlights, against the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: The Highlighting Starts 

Monday, 19 October 2015

October Project: Day 15 "Base Metal"

Time to touch up the metallic surfaces with Vallejo (70863) Gun Metal.Grey (see below):

Turned out to be a very "quick" session :)

Again still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: The Base Flesh

Sunday, 18 October 2015

October Project: Day 14 "Base and Highlight Colour to Bags"

The Panzer Grenadiers get their "kit" painted. A two step process, first a 50:50 Vallejo (70825) German Camo Pale Brown with Vallejo (70821) German Camo Beige Browm, then rather than waiting around for a few days before I highlight it, and because I still had some spare time, I ploughed onto the 100% highlight Vallejo (70821) German Camo Beige Brown activity (see below):

Getting there ;)

Not looking too bad and still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Gun Metal Base Colour

Saturday, 17 October 2015

October Project: Day 13 "Back to Black" (II)

Second day of black and grey "strapping action" (see below):

The MG Gunners and another Rifleman: 

Not looking too bad and still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Back to the "Bags"

Friday, 16 October 2015

October Project: Day 12 "Back to Black" (I)

By adding a touch of the Airfix undercoat acrylic grey (it was the only thing to hand) to the Airfix starter kit (33) acrylic matte black I daubed up the boots and black straps. The strap work has to be done with a steady hand. Not hard work but it spanned over two days (see below):

Riflemen first:

Group Shot 1: A bit shadowy

Group Shot 2: In slightly better light

Still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: The MG Gunners

Thursday, 15 October 2015

October Project: Day 11 "Base Shade of Tunic" (III)

With the Riflemen done it is now onto those deadly MG42's, probably the nastiest German thing you will regularly comes across in Chain of Command. Particularly with the Panzer Grenadier 'order of battle' as they double up with two to a squad. Each MG42 fires "ten dice", by way of a comparison a Bren only gets "six dice", which generally means a whole heap of casualties (see below):

MG42 Ammo Carrier/Feeder: 

MG42 Gunner:

Still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Back to the "Straps and Boots"

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

October Project: Day 10 "Base Shade of Tunic" (II)

The tunic painting frenzy continues. More poses to take up to the "base" painted level (see below):

Stooping Rifleman: 

Running Rifleman: 

Rifleman "at the ready": 

Still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: The MG poses ...

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

October Project: Day 9 "Base Shade of Tunic" (I)

The "shade" part of the figure painting process is now complete, so I guess we are about a third of the way through the project as a whole. The next phase is the "base" colour, thisu is the important colour of the figure as we want then to come through cleanly. In this particular case the tunic colour will dominate the Panzer Grenadier figure. This is a 50% mix of Vallejo German Field Grey WWII (Model Color 70830) and 50% Vallejo Grey/Green (Flames of War 886). Once applied the figure really starts to take shape (see below, there are various poses to go through):

Kneeling Rifleman: 

Standing Rifleman: 

Kneeling Rifleman II: 

Still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: More Figures Poses ...

Monday, 12 October 2015

October Project: Day 8 "Shiny Metal and Stuff"

Time for a metallic black sheen to be taken to the gun surfaces and the like. Out pops my favourite paint pot, Anita's Acrylic Metallic Black. If gives a shiny black base flecked with odd bits of silver. Given there is really a few touches per figure it is done in a jiffy (see below):

So quick in fact I pop out Vallejo Games Color Scorched Brown to shade the wooden gun stock areas and then likewise take the flesh areas on with Vallejo Game Color Dark Flesh (see below):

I seemed to have managed to jump ahead of schedule which is good news as with the shade colour phase of the painting done, it is back to the tunic to "base colour" up from the shade which may take a few sessions.

Still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Adding the Base Coat on the Tunic

Saturday, 10 October 2015

October Project: Day 7 "Brown Packs and Pouches"

At last something that is not dark. Vallejo German Camo Pale Brown (70825). Impressively the paint is the original from 2009 and the paint is still OK to use straight from the tube after some vigorous shaking. I wish that could be said for all paint that is opened up after five years of being left in a tin in the loft. So with the original paint on the brush a base shade of Pale Brown (see below):

A close up of a German "sniper hunter" (see below, not a bad pose either, it has a bit of character):

Still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Shiny Black Metal and Stuff

Friday, 9 October 2015

October Project: Day 6 "Black Straps and Boots"

The distinction German black leather straps and (kinky?) boots are now added or rather touched up/defined. No need to fear that the straps are slightly bigger than they need be as the future tunic highlighting stage will clean them up (see below, MG ammunition carrier):

I know the figures still look very dark and samey, but there is a subtle "greeny" to them (see below, the MG42 team running together):

The important lesson learned is to press on with everything quickly, even if a bit rough and ready, but still trying to be "tidy" without being "precise" about everything which usually stall me. Everything still seems to be a black or dark green grey, but underneath things are taking shape. A few lighter colours are coming along soon to dramatically change everything ;)

Still going to plan aka the original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Brown Packs and Pouches (base coat)

Thursday, 8 October 2015

October Project: Day 5 Green/Grey Vallejo Base Undercoat - Part II

The Vallejo Field Green/Grey tunic base was finished off on the second day (see blow):

I now have positioned a Blue Peter, "Here's one I have done earlier" master next to the unpainted models, that way I can make sensible reference back to my painting notes from 2009 (see below, the MG ammunition carrier) :

The original 2009 Painting Guide.

Next: Black Straps and Boots

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

October Project: Day 4 Green/Grey Vallejo Base Undercoat - Part I

Vallejo German Field Grey (70830) is applied to the tunic areas (see below):

A bit dark so far, can you spot a lighter shade of grey? Panzer Grenadier close up number one (see below, rifleman):

Close up two (see below, MG ammunition carrier):

The Painting Guide. I didn't manage to get them all done in one sitting, fifteen done, seven still to do, so still on this stage ;) .

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

October Project: Day 3 Dark Green Base Shade

Today a base shade (overall uniform) using a Dark Green (Tamiya XF-61). This is a rough and ready wet brush covering 90% of the figure, leaving all but a back smudge around the face and boots (see below):

Painting Guide

Next: The Uniform Shade a lighter shade of Dark Green/Grey ...