Wednesday 25 December 2019

Gaming Xmas Presents

I now have a new brand hobby mug to make the essential "painting brew" to keep the spirits up during those long painting sessions of 2020 (see below, a sporting theme in honour of England's ODI World Cup win!):

A new board game, playable solo or up to four players, "Escape The Dark Castle". A cooperative style of game play - everybody gets out alive to win or nobody wins (see below, a Gothic atmospheric fantasy - variations allow for three boss monsters and 45 story cards (15 needed for a game) making for many combinations on "Game Nights" ahead):

Plus the first expansion pack, "The Cult of the Death Night" (see below, ideas for many D&D spin-offs into my dungeons methinks):

Game on in 2020! And not to forget that I an reading a very interesting book (see below, which could have an alternative title of "What I learned during my life and times as a promoter of, and an active professional wargamer"):

2019 has ended on quite a high!

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