Friday, 11 August 2023

Thoughts on Urban Operations - Board Game

Is this "the one" for Urban Operations - could be, as the pedigree of  Sebastion de Peyret is first class (see below, does it not look good and sexy, but how do you play it?): 

Nuts - Game Publisher Web-Site (currently waiting for a Version 2 printing in 2024, I have the original version 1): 

Board Game Geek reference (what do the other folks say about it?):

The box is a collection of magic tricks to me. Excellent reference material, historical and hypothetical (Cold War gone Hot Style), innovative game play, fog of war and realistic decision based (without the benefit of being a 10,000 foot tall general). The pain is sitting down and learning the mechanisms well enough for quick play.

Learning Videos: 

Links to other resources, would be much appreciated!

Additional Link (27/08/2023):

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