Monday 9 October 2023

Caesar Miniatures - 1/72 Modern US Infantry

In the "box of goodies" in the loft I found two of the excellent Caesar Miniatures sets of modern US figures (see below, Iraq and Afghanistan are covered here): 

The sculpting is of an incredibly high standard (see below, certainly for one like me who was used to a variable Airfix standard as a child [of the late seventies and eighties] - the Caesar semi-rigid plastic is very forgiving, not too brittle not to soft): 

For a more European (ETO) feel a similar group of figures and poses was found in this set (see below, excellent sculpts):  

The basing process has now started, PVA and grit to follow, then prime. I think I will skip the PVA coat (as I think it would cover up too much detail) and rely on generous coat of varnish to hold the figures rigid (see below, a nice little platoon formation): 

They should mix well with the old, but still good, Italeri [as in old ESCI mould] US Modern set I have got to the partially painted status!


Tiberian general said...

I love Caesar figures and they are a joy to paint.
Every time I have matt varnished my finished Caesar figures they turn
Glossy and sticky? So I don't varnish them anymore.


Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

Oh no, teh horror - the worst thing that can happen to a figure after all that effort has been put into painting it! Arrgh ..
What matt varnish manufacturer are you using?

Tiberian general said...

My go to matt varnish Daler Rowney acrylic matt.
I tried several different under coats, even gloss varnished let dry and matt varnish after a month it went back to gloss?


Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

Strange magic of the chemicals?
I was not very good with a test tube!